Calcdesk is #1 Cryptocurrency Trading calculator app to calculate trades and maximize profit. This App is designed for active crypto currency traders. With Simple and flat UI you can calculate complex trades with ease and maximize your returns and plan future trades. We incorporated most used calculators for Traders.
This is the best crypto profit calculator app in the whole Playstore with all functions crypto trader looking for with easy to understand UI and one click calculation without any delays and interruption. We designed this crypto calculator app after supporting thousands of Test trades and calculations.
Our Cryptocurrency Trading calculator is based on universal principles of crypto leverage calculations and profits.
Our Cryptocurrency Trading calculator app consist of these below calculators for Crypo traders :
– Crypto Profit Calculator
– Crypto Mining Calculator
– Crypto Tax Calculator
– Crypto Interest Calculator
– Crypto Future Profit Calculator
– Crypto Trading Profit Calculator
– Crypto Leverage Calculator
– Crypto Arbitrage Calculator
– Crypto Margin Calculator
– Crypto Stop loss Calculator
– Crypto Buy Sell Calculator
– Crypto p&l calculator
– Crypto Leverage trading calculator
– Crypto Investment profit calculator
– Crypto Potential profit calculator
– Crypto Dollar Cost Average calculator (DCA)
You can use our app modules and functions to have all of the above calculators and calculations :
Simple Calculator :
Basic calculator with memory functions similar to a small handheld module. Use this basic module for math with addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
Percentage Change :
The Percentage Change Calculator will quantify the change from one number to another and express the change as an increase or decrease.
Funding Fees:
Funding rates are periodic payments either to traders that are long or short based on the difference between perpetual contract markets and spot prices.
Average Down:
Calculates the average cost of your holdings when you purchase the same trade multiple times. Average down formula will give you the average cost for average down or up. If you purchase the same units multiple times, enter each transaction separately.
Trade liquidation:
Liquidation calculator calculates the liquidation price for trading position. It is important to know your liquidation price to avoid unnecessary liquidations.
Profit and loss :
Profit and loss formulas are used to calculate the money made/ profit or loss that has been made by selling a particular trade.
Trade compound :
Compound interest can be defined as interest calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods. Compound Interest will make a deposit or loan grow at a faster rate than simple interest, which is interest calculated only on the principal amount.
Leverage Movement:
Leverage is the strategy of using borrowed money to increase return and risk on an investment. Use our calculator to see what risk and return you will get with desired Leverage.
APY: Annual Percentage Yield
APY is the actual rate of return that will be earned in one year if the interest is compounded. Compound interest is added periodically to the total invested, increasing the balance.
If you have any queries, issues, suggestions, or feedback feel free to drop us a message at and we would get back to you as soon as possible.